About us
Basic information
- Anti-corruption strategy
- Authorised inspectors
- Budget
- Certificate
- Complaints
- Easy to read * – information
- Historie a současnost
- History and present
- Legislation
- Offer of property
- Organisational Structure
- Powers of Attorney
- Public procurement
- Quality Policy of the Institute
- Remedies
- Satisfaction questionnaire
- Statutes SÚKL
- Strategic Plan of the State Institute for Drug Control for 2021-2025
- Career
- Compulsory disclosure information
- Educational events
- Fees
Guidelines and Forms
- Advice provided by SUKL
- Authorising of medicinal products
- Cancelled guidelines
- Clinical Trials
- Dispensing, sale and preparation of Pharmaceuticals
- Distribution of pharmaceuticals
- General guidelines
- Good laboratory practices
- Manufacture of pharmaceuticals
- Medical devices
- Pharmacovigilance – guidelines
- Powers of Attorney
- Pricing and reimbursement of medicines
- Publication activities
- Reporting changes in contact details
- International cooperation
- Lecture activity
- List of SUKL partners
- Mandatory disclosures
- Media
- National cooperation
- Official notice board
- Open data
- Public opinion polls
- Publishing activity
- Reviews and lists
- Sanctions
- Tariff and fees
Basic information
- Borderline products
- Clinical trial on pharmaceuticals
- Clinical trials database
- Czech Societites, Associations and Educational Institution in Healthcare
- Distribution
- General Information
- Healthcare Facilities
Healthcare Professionals
- Medical Devices Branch
- Medical facilities
- Medicines
- Pharmacy
- Homepage
- Important information
- Information letters on the availability of medicines
- Medical Devices
- Notification of Changes in the reporting of deliveries of distributed medicinal products under Guideline DIS-13, version 5
Pharmaceutical Industry
- Cannabis for medicinal purposes
- Medical devices
- About pharmacovigilance
- Calls
- Clinical trial on pharmaceuticals
- Clinical trials of medicines
- Deliveries and other assessments
- Distribution
- Distribution of pharmaceuticals
- Foreign-language batch
- Information on Marketing Authorisation
- Laboratory activities and pharmacopoeias
- Laboratory activities and pharmacopoeias
Marketing authorisation of medicines
- Contacts – Marketing authorisation of medicines
Details of marketing authorisation
- Annual maintenance fee
- Brexit
- Classification of human medicines for the purposes of dispensing
- DCP Slots allocation
- eSubmission
- Information on marketing authorisation
- Names of medicines
- Questions and Answers – marketing authorisation
Safety features
- Medicinal products permitted in accordance with the provisions 11 (r) Act no. 378/2007 Coll., Act on Pharmaceuticals (“Act on Pharmaceuticals”)
- Reporting unsuccessful verification of safety features
- Safety Features
- Warning for Marketing Authorization Holders, Distributors and Pharmacies on Inaction in Investigation Alerts in AMS (Alert Management System)
- Table X – Standard names of dosage forms, routes of administration and packaging
- Payments for marketing authorisation variations
- Payments for variations
Variations to MRP/DCP marketing authorisations
- Data overview for MRP marketing authorisations variations
- EC guidance on variations to marketing authorisations and variations classification from 4.8.2013
- Information for marketing authorisation holder
- Information for marketing authorisation holders
- Overview of issuance of decisions/notifications for MRP variations
- Useful links
Variations to national marketing authorisations
- Data overview for national marketing authorisations variations
- EC guidance on variations to marketing authorisations and variations classification from 4. 8. 2013
- Information for marketing authorisation holder
- Information for marketing authorisation holders
- Overview of the issue dates for variations to national marketing authorisations
- Useful links
- Variations of a marketing authorisation – Variations Regulation
- European reassessments
- Links to CHMP meetings
- News – marketing authorisation
- Sunset clause
- Notification of launch, suspension, renewal or withdrawal from the market of a medicinal product
- Pharmacovigilance
- Quality defects and enforcement
- Regulation of prices and reimbursements for pharmaceuticals
- Related information
- Reporting of registration holder pursuant to Section 33, paragraph 2 of Act on Pharmaceuticals
- Safety features
Safety Features
- List of reimbursed medicinal products
- Medicinal products permitted under § 11 letter r) of the Medicines Act, State Institute for the Control of Medicines
- Report of unsuccessful verification of protective elements, State Institute for Drug Control
- Warning for marketing authorization holders, distributors and pharmacies regarding inaction in the resolution of alerts in the AMS (Alert Management System), State Institute for Medicines Control
- Specific Therapeutic Programmes
- Supplies of medicinal products
- Surveillance in the area of advertising
- Surveillance in the area of advertising
- Surveillance over the manufacture of pharmaceuticals
- Pharmaceuticals – supply, sales and preparation
- Pharmacies
- Pharmacovigilance
- Provided information
- Public
- Quality defects and enforcement
- Quality defects, counterfeit and stolen products
- Regulation of prices and reimbursements for pharmaceuticals
- Sitemap
- Summary of important information
- Supplies of medicinal products
- Surveillance over the manufacture of pharmaceuticals
- Unauthorised medicinal products