In addition, the List contains basic reimbursements of reference groups, explaining how the basic reimbursements were set, along with a full list of medicinal products and foods for special medical purposes classified in the reference groups, and the maximum prices of medicinal products and foods for special medical purposes where the Institute has the power to make decisions on the maximum price, and a full list of medicinal products and foods for special medical purposes with an explanation how the maximum prices were set.
List includes 10% and 15% VAT, Price directive of Ministry of Health 1/2020/CAU of 10.12.2019 on the regulation of prices of medicinal products and foods for special medical purposes valid since 1.1.2020 and Price decision 1/19-FAR of 12.12.2018 on the regulation of prices of medicinal products and foods for special medical purposes valid since 1.1.2019.