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Central contacts

Instruction for successful delivery of e-mail messages to SUKL
Please note:

Due to potential problems with Internet communication, which are out of SUKL’s control, in rare cases your e-mail message may not be delivered to the intended addressees in SUKL. Therefore, when communicating by e-mail you are advised to bear in mind the following recommendations:
  • Always take into account that the e-mail you have sent might have been lost on its way through the internet.
  • Whenever you send an important message tick in your mail client confirmation of delivery, if available.
  • SUKL staff will acknowledge receipt of your message by return mail, if requested.
  • Delivery of highly important messages may be verified by a phone enquiry.
  • In the case of e-mail failure you can, depending on urgency of your message, use our permanent fax service and telephone contact during office hours or common postal service or SUKL mailroom.
State Institute for Drug Control
Šrobarova 48, 100 41 Praha 10, Czech Republic   country code: +420
Reception 272 185 111
255 726 111
Mail Room
Office hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
272 185 806
fax.: 271 732 377
Electronic mail room   posta@sukl.gov.cz 

Cash desk 
Office hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Monday  Friday: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

272 185 798   
Press and Information Dept. 272 185 333 infs@sukl.gov.cz
Permanent Service 272 185 777
fax.: 272 185 744
Guard 272 185 113 ostraha@sukl.gov.cz