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Supplies of medicines – with focus on active substances

Pursuant to Section 99 (1) (d) of the Act no. 378/2007 Coll., on drugs, as amended, the State Institute for Drug Control publishes information on consumption of medicines with breakdown by the contained active substances and method of administration.

The attached overview presents summary information acquired by evaluation of the data:

  • on supplies of medicines to pharmacies and other healthcare facilities with breakdown by ATC group and method of administration.
  • on dispensed medicines from operators authorised to dispense with breakdown by ATC group and method of administration.

The names attached to the individual ATC groups correspond to the current ATC index published by World Health Organisation (WHO). The information provided includes the number of packages, the financial information, the number of defined daily doses (DDD), or the number of DDD/1,000 inhabitants/day, respectively. The information on the evaluation methodology is provided in the article Related Information.

The summary information on supplies of medicines to pharmacies and other healthcare facilities by the effective substances and methods of administration.

The information on the number of reporting distributors is provided in the article Information on distribution of drugs to pharmacies, other healthcare facilities and sellers of restricted drugs.

Summary information on dispensed medicines from operators authorised to supply by the active substances and methods of administration.
Reports by pharmacies on dispensed medicines pursuant to the Instruction of SUKL LEK-13 includes only medicines dispensed based on a medical prescription or dispensed within the category without the medical prescription with a restriction! The information includes only reports from some of the pharmacies.

The information on the number of reporting pharmacies is provided in Information acquired from reports by pharmacies on dispensed medicines.



Cesta podání – Method of administration
Počet balení – Number of packages
Finanční vyjádření (Kč) – Financial value (CZK)
Počet DDD celkem – Total number of DDD
DDD/1000 obvy/den – DDD/1,000 inhabitants/day
Ceny původce – Prices by the entity of origin