SUKL Bulletin

Action on quality defects and adverse drug reactions, action on adverse incidents of medical devices, information on published technical standards governing medical devices, information on documents published by the European Medicines Agency, figures on the status of applications in SUKL, monthly overviews of newly authorised manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceuticals in the Czech Republic,  quarterly overviews of newly authorised pharmacies, lists of medicinal products whose marketing authorisation expires in three-month time,  and lists of those whose marketing authorisation has expired in the given month are published on a regular basis. In compliance with the above-mentioned Act, overviews of newly authorised medicinal products and variations to marketing authorisations are published on a monthly basis. Furthermore, all new SUKL guidelines and an updated list thereof, if updated, are published in the SUKL Bulletin, “consumptions” of medicines are published on a quarterly basis following the processing of the relevant quarter, as well as various information from SUKL intended for regulated entities. Since 2003 the “Black Triangle” pharmacovigilance section has been published.

Members of the board of editors of SÚKL Bulletin are the Director of the Institute and heads of units directly reporting to the Director of the Institute. These employees are responsible for regular sections in accordance with their content and for irregular contributions the publication of which is approved by the board of editors at its regular meetings of SUKL executive management.

Since 2009 SUKL Bulletin is published in electronic form. Full version is available on the  czech webpage.